Cine este si ce face de fapt DNA?

Am avut impresia de la bun inceput ca DNA reprezinta numai un instrument de captare si conservare a puterii fiind cel chemat sa faca pirtie acolo unde primeaza interesele unei mafii internationale (guverne straine, servicii secrete, agentii de asasini economici si fimre de spionaj etc.).

Uitati de drepturile omului, uitati de democratie, uitati ca ii pasa cuiva de voi, daca voi sinteti indiferenti fata de voi insiva. Totul se va intimpla la scara mondiala pentru a putea infringe vointa oamenilor si pentru a-i putea folosi in functie de nevoile acestei mafii, conform, exclusiv, cu nevoile sale.

Aveti mai jos doua articole in oglinda.

Primul, din Cotidianul

Laura Codruţa Kovesi transformă DNA în cel mai puternic serviciu secret din România

Zilele acestea, DNA şi-a achiziţionat un echipament extrem de sofisticat care poate intra oricînd pe telefoanele şi calculatoarele noastre în regim 24×7, adică zi şi noapte! Din acest moment, întreaga populaţie a României are toate motivele să fie îngrijorată în legătură cu confidenţialitatea datelor personale transmise prin telefon sau prin calculator.

Cel de al doilea :

You decide if we should be afraid following the leaked information from Edward Snowden

The scariest revelation to come out of  whistleblower Edward Snowden’s National Security Agency leaks is that everything you’ve ever known or suspected about government spying, including the use of sinister-sounding code-names, is true — and then some.

In early June, The Guardian began publishing articles by journalist Glenn Greenwald about the United States government’s top-secret spying on U.S. citizens through their phones and internet use. News of the mass surveillance programs set off an ongoing international storm of controversy over security and the ethics around the idea of the federal government acting like the government in George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel 1984, where “Big Brother is watching you.”

Greenwald soon disclosed that it was Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old American computer specialist and former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, who had downloaded a trove of top secret documents from NSA systems concerning several top-secret U.S. and British government surveillance programs. The disclosure of Snowden’s identity was made at his request. “I have no intention of hiding who I am because I know I have done nothing wrong,” he said.

Deci intrebarea fireasca este: cine este Kovesi si mai ales ale cui interese le reprezinta? Guvernele si presedintii slabi tind sa devina anexe care executa ordine straine de natiunea pe care o reprezinta.


Numai bine tuturor!

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